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How different are translation and localization?

General translation and localization are quite different. Let me explain how these are different and how it would affect to your target readers. The following are excerpt from some management application website. I would like to compare these two translation types together.

< Example of General translation >

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모든 규모에서 서버 모니터링

한 곳에서, 실시간으로, 귀하의 모든 애플리케이션과 도구 및 서비스에서 메트릭을 확인하세요. 오늘 시험판을 시작하시고, 대시보드를 만드세요.

저희가 무료 Datadog 티셔츠를 보내드릴 것입니다.

< Example of localization >

Server Monitoring at Any Scale See metrics from all your apps, tools, and services in one place, in real-time. Start your trial today, create a dashboard, and we’ll send you a free Datadog t-shirt!

모든 규모에 적용되는 서버 모니터링 서비스

한 번에 실시간으로 모든 애플리케이션, 도구, 서비스 메트릭을 모니터링.

지금 바로 시험판을 사용하여, 대시보드를 생성하세요.

Datadog 티셔츠를 선물로 보내드립니다.

Did you ever happen to notice the difference? The localization service helps to attract customers to your service. If some customers visit a well-localized website, they feel comfortable and have an interest in the website. This means, the customers likely to re-visit the website and choose your services.

Don't miss your customers who have already visited your site with unattractive translations on your site.

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